Design Glossary
Here we simply introduce design terminology!
This glossary explains terminology that is often used regarding productions that Design Partner handles.

For consultations and quotations, please contact us at the following address.
Reception Hours10:00AM - 7:00PM
HOME > Design Glossary (0-9)
Here we simply introduce design terminology!
This glossary explains terminology that is often used regarding productions that Design Partner handles.
For consultations and quotations, please contact us at the following address.
Prints21, Inc. / 160-0001 4-6 ANY Building 5F Kata-machi Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
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Prints21, Inc.
[Production Department] 160-0001 4-6 ANY Building 3F Kata-machi Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
[Filming Studio] 160-0001 4-6 ANY Building 5F Kata-machi Shinjuku-ku Tokyo